Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Story of a Girl

These tears running down her face, they mark the pain and disappointments of a fifteen year old girl. The girl left to raise the children who are not hers, the girl who desperately needs to feel safe, to run into his arms and have him never ever leave her again. The girl sho so desperately needs somebody, something to hold on to. Yet she has nothing. The girl who has been hurt countless times and has now given up on the world. The girl who never dares to hope, having decided long ago that hope only leads to heartbreak. The girl who has never been truly loved, or is too scared to realize it. The girl who has been given a voice, a pen, a stage, yet deprived of the opportunity to use them. The girl who comes alive on stage, loving to become a person she is not; if only for a moment. The girl who has felt all emotions except for happyness and so can play them well on stage, only having to call to mind a memory and show it on her face and in her voice. The girl who has pages and pages filled with beautiful pain. Who sings out her sorrow. Yet no one notices. Everything she has ever had has been taken away. I know that girl. That girl is me.

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