Friday, August 8, 2008

Betrayal Of The Heart

Love is the most painful thing you can ever experience. Without them, you are dying, crying, all alone on the floor. In the dark on your own crying yourself to sleep in a corner of your empty bed. The bleeding of your heart is more painful than any wound, yet it is the destruction of your soul. Without them you are not complete, not a whole. Instead you have an emptiness in the filling of your soul. Your mind is vacant yet too busy, because any thoughts at all are painful thoughts of that one person in your heart. You offered them your love and open the door of your heart and all they do is walk out. But with them...with them you are more alive than you ever imagined. More complete than you ever dreamed. And then...when you lose them you feel lost. And wish you had never loved at all. So why can we not just erase love and therefore pain from the world? Why can we not erase the way we feel when that person we have ultimately loved and trusted betrays our given heart? When they lie and that knife hurts so deep inside, twisting inside our heart? Erase how they say they're different and you let yourself believe them, yet deep inside you know you shouldn't. You know they're exactly the same as the last person who broke your heart. But you so badly want to believe that there is one person in the world you can believe in, so badly that even when you find that there is evedence staring you in the face that you should never have trusted, never have given yourself to them, you overlook and excuse it. Passing it off as something else so you don't see what you don't want to see. Don't have to believe the truth you so badly don't want to be true. But in the end, everyone is broken, so deep down inside, everyone feels pain. Betrayal from that one person they let themself love.

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